Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thanksgiving in Oregon

I had my lab in Oregon the weekend before Thanksgiving for my anatomy class. So, it worked out great for my sis and I to drive up to Oregon with the kids together to celebrate Thanksgiving. We also had a birthday bowling party for Marissa at her favorite playland! Lab was very intense, but I got through it, and was able to enjoy the rest of the week with family! The kids made their own apple turkeys, and Chambray made these cute fruit turkey plates for dinner. We cut out everyone's handprint and Marissa decorated them for the placecards. We even had one for our beloved brother, uncle, and son Brandon...who we miss very much and remember especially on this day! I feel so very thankful and overwhelmed with gratitude for mine and our family's bountiful blessings!
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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Student of the Month

We are so proud of our little Bubba! He has worked so hard this year at school, and it has paid off. Mrs. Banto said she can't believe how responsible and self motivated he is for a 1st grader. Janson has straight A's and was awarded "Student of the Month" and received a certificate from the principal at an assembly. Way to go Jance! Doesn't he look sharp:)
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Trick-Or-Treat'n 09

Its all about the costume...for all of you who know me you know that Halloween is my favorite holiday! This year my friends Steph and Darren helped me put this one together...including the wood block shoes that made me 7' tall! Yep-that huge KISS Member is me!
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Life is never dull around here. I am working part time at the school my kids attend, taking a full load for nursing school, while juggling a single mom life with three kids. Between soccer, gymnastics, church activities and callings, managing diabetes, meetings, and fun kid stuff, we have our plates full! After over a year without steady income and employment, our friend offered Jason an administrative assistant job, which we are grateful for in order to ensure health insurance for Janson. Jason continues to choose a different lifestyle and lives in Henderson. He helps out with the kids when I attend school, and joined us for trick or treating, along with our amazing friends the Wildes for my traditional chili meal and scary movies. We had a blast! We even visited our dear friends Charli and Roy (in pic), who my kids call grandma and grandpa! As Missy's room-mom, I had the opportunity to do her Halloween party again...which of course is way more fun for me than the kids! At least I didn't make any kids cry this year with my blindfold game! My girlfriend asked me about my schedule and how I was doing it...without thinking I replied, "I'm not"..."He's doing it". She just looked at me and said that she had not heard that reply before....truth is, without my Heavenly Father, I wouldn't be able to go 1 day! I am so grateful for all my blessings this year, month, and every minute. I can only strive to live by faith and pray to understand His Will for me. Good-Bye to another Fabulous Halloween!!!
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Halloween Fun!

Shawna and Aunt Debbie threw a fabulous Halloween party in St. George as always...it was amazing! The games, the food, and the fun!

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Halloween Party

 The Simmons Brothers!(My sis and I)
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Monday, September 7, 2009

Homework here we come!

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First Day of School!

I can't believe how fast the summer went by! The kids are getting so big and I have an almost teen, it goes way to fast! Janson is so excited to be in 1st grade and to be at school all day. The lunch thing has been such a big plateau for him, considering he is getting insulin and counting carbs at school. He got his favorite teacher this year, Mrs. Banto! Missy is in third grade and loves her class and teacher, and Chambray started 7th grade this year. I even started school too! I am going back to nursing school to get my RN! The kids made me some sweet cards to help with my nervous butterflies too!
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Campin' in Cascade-McKee Reunion!

McKee Reunion July 17th-20th (about 100 in attendance). We did it all! Swam in the lake, canoe rides, slept in tents, campfire stories, playing cards, horseshoe tournaments, and of course..eating the best food ever! Elli decides to get away from the mosquitoes in the tent bag! They were real bad this year, Missy counted 21 on her face alone and Chammy had about 30 on her back!
Posted by PicasaMore Reunions! This was our little family's reunion in Salt Lake the week before...

Janson's "Disneyland"...his favorite place on earth, the Eccles Dinosaur Park!

Gateway Mall, some Chinese tourists wanted to take our picture while we sat here!..."A bench full of blondes!"

Olympic wall at Gateway. Alesha found her engraved brick near the splashpad!
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