Thanks to all who helped with Friday's big walk! Helen, the school nurse, and I have been planning this walk for quite a while. We were so pleased to see the gracious response of kids and parents from both schools! November is "Diabetes Month" so we decided to devote the whole month to educating the kids about the signs and risks associated with Type I diabetes, and the prevention of Type II. Both Bonner Elementary (where Janson attends kindergarten) and Givens Elementary, where Janson's Type I buddies Conner and Conner attend, did the WALK! School administrators, teachers, PTA members, parent volunteers, and kids were all amazing! The the walk went totally smooth! It was cool to see commorodity- teachers had their kids all wear matching shirts! Also, JDRF gives 10% of funds raised back to the school!
I am so overwhelmed by the whole experience! The kids were encouraged to bring in their change ("dimes for diabetes") during the week. One boy, a 1st grader, pulled a handful of pennies and nickels from both jean pockets and said to me, "Here, take this from my piggy bank to help the kids with diabetes." AAHHHH!!! I know, I couldn't hold back the tears that day! There are over 940 kids in the Clark County school district alone living with this disease. Type I kids would not live more than a few days without their insulin injections. This disease which used to be rare, is fast becoming the most expensive health epidemic and crisis in our country. 218 Billion dollars was spent on diabetes health care last year alone!
Janson went with us into classes to help teach about diabetes. I was so impressed with how Janson answered the kids' questions. "Does your diabetes hurt, how did you get it, can I get it?" Janson replied..."Sometimes, but not really, and I don't know how I got it....that's why we need to find a cure...and no, I can't give you diabetes, I'm just a normal kid like you." What was even more impressive, was the way these kids caught on and how much they already knew about diabetes. One kid said to me, "isn't it when your pancreas doesn't make insulin anymore?" YES! These kids are amazing. I was very emotional when watching every class K-5 walking around the field chanting, "Let's find a cure, Let's find a cure!"
I hope and pray for the day when needles pricks every 3 hours, site shots every 2 days, high and low symptoms, long term damage to the organs, and the constant worry about blood glucose stability can be lifted! The cure comes through science, research, and money! I pray for the CURE sometime in Janson's life. Wouldn't be awesome if it was here before he is old enough to serve a mission! Thanks to all who donated! Every $ counts...were now $11,000 closer to the cure.
Scroll over to 5:00 minutes. This is the noon news coverage of the Givens Elementary walk. Mitch Truswell the news anchor, has been very involved with diabetes in our community. He sits on JDRF's board of directors and is a great proponent in advocating the CURE! Thanks to ALL!
If you are interested in donating to JDRF,
its not too late! There is a link for "Team Bonner" on JDRF's website at Just follow the prompts!