This song is to my daughter today. Things have been kinda crazy for our family lately. My heart has been softened and turned to my 11 year old Chambray as she is facing a difficult time in life. Middle school has brought many challenges academically and in terms of time management with homework and gymnastics. Chambray has been faced with a tough decision. She plays the flute in 6th grade and has her Christmas concert on the 16th of December. Attendance and participation in the performance is 1/3 of her grade in the class! She also has her dance recital that same night where she has been asked to lead a 3 and 4 yr. old ballet class as well as perform several numbers with her teammates. The numbers have already been coreographed and rehearsed! I know she has a committment and responsibility to her team and to her sport, but she also has a committment to put her education above anything outside of it, and to earn her best grades. She can however choose to write a 5 page essay on a classical composer if she does not play in the concert. As a mom, I want to make the decision for her, to make it all better and to relieve her stress, uncomfortableness, and pressure from teachers, coaches, and peers. At the same time, I know she has to practice self-reliance and to learn to make difficult decisions on her own. I told her that she needed to pray and to consult with her Father in Heaven. "You decide what you think is best, and then ask Him", I told her. I know she is only 11, but it seems as though the kids today are dealing with so much more, more adult issues, than we ever had to! I prayed night and day for her, and came to the conclusion that this was something that needed to be used as a testimony builder for her. She would have to deal with the decision and its consequences. I am so scared to watch this! Anyway, Tuesday night we prayed together before bed. She said "mom, I want to pray about it tomorrow too, and then we can talk after school." When she got home, I was so nervous for her I remember my hands were sweaty! I asked her on the way to gymnastics, do you have an answer? She said, "yes, I think so, but how do I know for sure?" We talked about how the Holy Ghost speaks to each of us differently, and then she shuffled off to gym. Last night driving home from her workout, she proceeded to tell me about how the coreographer and head dance coach just chewed her out and yelled at her in front of all the teams, when she told them she was not going to be performing. Normally, I think she would have been in tears about it, but it was almost as though their opposition to her decision (which she knew would come) had strengthened her in her decision. Almost as if she was unsure, but knew for sure now, that what she wanted was to play her flute in the band concert. There were many recitals to come, and many had passed.....this opportunity to play her flute was a newfound talent she wanted to display. I am so proud of my Bray Bear. I love her more than life itself, she is my gift from God, SHE is the reason I am here. Even though she drives me crazy most days, she is the what gives my soul breath! I thank my Heavenly Father for gifting her to me in this life. My mother's prayer is always to keep her safe and warm, but today I saw her stretch and fly!
My Sweet Little Wife - I just read your "A mother's prayer" on our blog and couldn't wait to tell you how proud I am of our little girl. And also, how proud I am of you! I know how difficult it can be when I am on the road and a difficult situation arises like this. I thank my Father in Heaven everyday that I have a strong, loving and righteous girl like you! Thank you for being there for Chambray when she needed a nudge in the right direction. I love you! See you tomorrow.
I am so proud of you and Chambray. You inspire me and give me strength in my life and the tough issues we are dealt with daily. I know Chammy will be faced with tougher issues as she matures into a young women. You are giving her the tools and confidence to be able to be strong and survive ridicule and not waver with her decision. You gave her a chance and look what she did, she took it serious and proved you right that she would make the right decision not the easy one. I am so proud of her too. This really is the season of being thankful and grateful for a Heavenly Father who loves us and listens to our prayers. I thank my Heavenly Father for friends like you everyday whom I can talk to and help support and sustain me.
Andi, Your words about Chanbray are so powerful. You are such a great mother and a wonderful example to me. Chambray showed such strength and faith in her decision. I love you guys.
Wow...I'm so impressed with both Chambray and you as a mother. I'm teared up just reading your powerful words. I'm so proud of Chammy- she is a spiritual giant and I love her so much. You are such an example to me as a mother and I appreciate your words to inspire my own kids and family... so THANK YOU as well! I love you both so very much!!!!
Ya Ya
Thanks for sharing this wonderful story. I am so grateful for people like you Andrea that are wonderful examples.
I think Chambray is so blessed to have a mom like you. You are such an amazing and strong person. Thanks!
WAY TO GO ANDI!!! What an amazing example you are of such a wonderful and faithful mother. I completely agree with you. Kids are being faced with so much more. What a perfect way to teach Chambray to know how the Holy Ghost feels, how he can help and that her Father in Heaven is always there for her and have her best interests at heart and will always help her. This blog was so touching Andrea. And the message from your sweet hubby almost made me cry. How lucky I am to have such wonderful and such awesome examples in friends like you.
Andrea I want to be like you when I grow up. Love ya lots aunt Rosie
Hello old friend,
I had wondered for many years what had happened to you. I'm glad to see things are going so well for both you and your beautiful family. If you recall, the last time I saw you was when you and Warner were living in Tauyuan after your missions in the summer of 1992. You had met my girlfriend who has been my wife since September 1994. We also have three children, Alexis (13), Elizabeth (12), and Ethan (15 months). We have been back in the States since 1996 and have spent most of that time in Mesa, Arizona. I am currently working for Education Management Corporation as Assistant Director of Admissions and am looking to start my MBA at either Arizona State University or the University of Phoenix. I think it's great that you have a chance to go to China so often. I have kept up my Chinese for the most part because of Hsin-Yi (Debbie), but have failed in trying to use it on a professional level. If you would like to see my family blog, go to http://journeytoforever-smith1994.blogspot.com/ or e-mail me at ausmithgis@hotmail.com. It would be great to hear from you again.
I wish you and your family all the best this Holiday season.
Adam Smith
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