Yesterday Chambray visited the orthodontist and she ended up coming home the same day with a mouth full, literally! After having a couple other consults, Jas and I were so impressed by the dr. and his staff we decided that since we had put off braces as long as possible, that it was time. The office made her feel completely comfortable, they even had a parking spot and a surf board in the waiting room with her name on it! At the end of the exam she was begging to get braces that moment. After Jason and I left, they put on her braces and even gave her a limo ride home in the ortho's Hummer (loaded with X-box and movies)! She thought it was a day from heaven, until of course the pain started! Nothing a little Advil can't cure! My baby is growing up! I tell her she can't keep growing and to stay little, but she doesn't listen! Today I turned around from the driver's seat to hand my just turned 11 yr old daughter, an icecream cone- and I experienced this surreal mom movie thing-I saw her whole life flash before me! There she was, this 30 year old with braces, licking her icecream cone! I hope to savor each and every minute with my children. Chambray is quickly leaving the "little girl" stage and moving into the "young lady" stage, and even though I feel ill prepared for the next phase of her life as her mom, I know with her unprecedented strength beyond her years, she will prevail!
Love it Andi! Your blog is amazing! I am missing you! Way to go girl!
Yeah!! I am so excited to see your family join in on the blog fun. Your pictures are so beautiful from your family reunion. We miss hanging out with you guys!
Tell Chambray that Sister Hardy says she looks so pretty with her new braces and I can't wait to see her on Sunday.
I am so proud of you Andrea! The blog looks great. I can't wait to hear more of what is going on in your life. It was great seeing you when you came to Utah!
I totally got tears in my eyes reading this because I want my babies to stay little forever too! Why do they have to grow up so fast???
The blog looks fantastic!!
Great blog Andi! Looks like you Jason and the kids are having a blast this summer. Ashton misses Janson. Keep Blogging!
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