So, my sis "tagged me" on her blog. I am supposed to post the 4th photo in the 4th folder of my pic folder. So, this is it, the girls are so cute... This was taken bowling at the JDRF family function. Well, I'm going to tag Stephy H. and Chelsea P., just follow the same instructions.
Andrea! Hey you little cutie! Your blog is so stinkin cute! I am so glad I can look at it! This slide show you have is amazing. I am in complete awe of how beautiful you are! You and Stephanie need to be packaged and put in a box with the rest of the Barbies so everyone can just stare at you two! Way cute pictures. I am loving the variety and your kids are like cabon copies (lucky!) I missed you at your enrichment night. I hope that I will see you soon. I'm back in the gym in like a week, so I will need soe serious help. I need the Muscle Queen to help me out! Love ya Andi!!!
Chelsea's comment had me rolling! She is such a cute friend. Well, I have to say Chammie is cute as usual but Marissa takes the cake in this picture. Such a little Diva already. What fashion sense already. I have that belt in black and she rocks it much better than I do :) Your girls are so beautiful and such good girls too. By the way, my chocolate bar is far to dangerous. I have not tried this one before and after the 1st bite I am addicted now. Never do that again. I am good with a diet coke or just Hey Stephy thanks. You know I am kidding. Love you!
Cute pic. Those are my girlys who I love dearly. Thanks for playing along with the 'tag'. It was great to see you the other night- even if it was short. We'll be back down soon to stay a little longer next time. Love ya lots
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