Grateful This Week For:
- positive power of prayer
- family and friends
- my Savior Jesus Christ
- little Munk noses that have dripped all week
- penicillin shots! (best thing for strep throat)
- protection from harm (discovered garage door had been opened all night long)
- my little man "mom, I'm the man of the house when dad is gone"
- the big beautiful fire and ice pink rose outside my kitchen window!
- our country and our freedoms
- humor
- the policeman only giving me 2 tickets instead of 3!
- our home, food, education, and ability to earn a living
- Attitude of Gratitude!

They got me! "One, two, three"....then I got the bird!

Check out our growing bunch of handsome kids!

We even got to visit with Ya Ya in St. George