I've so needed this recent trip to see my best friend Kaci, and of course I was also able to visit my brother Brandon's grave. I hardly get the chance to get up there, its been a couple of years. When Kaci moved to Logan I was so sad, but also excited because this is where alot of my family is from. Without me even mentioning it, she made me a promise that if they moved there, she would visit Brandon and take care of him for me. She has kept this promise diligently! Kac will call out of the blue just to say, "Hey, I am here with Brandon, the sky is blue, the trees are green and blooming, and the sprinklers keep hitting right over Brandon!...." I love her...for calling me to describe the exact conditions of that moment there in the cemetery, so that I might "feel as though I am there" she says. Kaci's daughter Alyssa is such a sweet princess, she has a special bond with Brandon and has always taken care of him for me she tells me! Kaci is an amazing person, friend, and mom. I love her!
She has also taken up running, she says Matt, her husband, and I, have inspired her. Well, we ran 5 miles outside when it was only 16 degrees! I thought I was going to die! There was a thick fog that day that was all around us, the cold air came into my lungs and I couldn't breathe, my snot froze to my face immediately, and I couldn't feel anything below my hips!! We found out later, that it was a "RED DAY", meaning the pollution and inversion was so bad that you shouldn't be outside! And yes...we went running in it!! Matt said we might as well have stuck our head in a smog exhaust pipe or smoked 10 packs of cigarettes at once! Ironically enough, I went there for a get-away, to clear my head, and to chill. At the end of our run she says, "oh I forgot to tell you the last 1/2 mile is straight uphill!" "Agghhh" She pushed me to the end...even through the "RED DAY" fog, bitter cold, and numbing pain! She is my true inspiration, and her friendship means everything to me. Through my fog I found clarity...because of my "RED DAY" run in Logan, I found my renewed inner strength to push through the fog, cold, and pain.

Kaci and Matt and their kids

What a sweet post. I miss seeing you here in LA. Do you have any time for a girls weekend? We'd love to have you guys come visit anytime (Ben got Rock Band for Vday and would LOVE for Jason to come play with him!).
Love you guys.
Thanks for the great post. You are the best. I love hearing about how you are doing. You are such a wonderful example!! Just promise me one thing, no more running on a red day:)
Hey Sis- I'm so glad you were able to update your blog and about such a special event with Brandon's grave. I think it's great you were able to spend time with Kaci and visit Brandon. I wish too that he were closer so we could visit more often. I'm also so grateful for Kaci (her kids are so grown up- I couldn't believe it...what a darling pic!) She is a special friend- we will always be thankful for her service and friendship. I copied a few of the pics I loved them so much. Yeah...when you told me your "red day" run I was thinkin' you're crazy- but really your just an inspiration to me and everyone you know! I love you tons and think about you, the kids and Jas everyday!
Hi Andrea! This is such a sweet blog and how daring to even try running in just the temp alone without the red day! I didn't know about your brother. What a sweet friend you have to take care of his gravesite. I miss seeing you and you're cute face. What a great sister you are to check up on him so often.
You are such an amazing person. I know it has been a LONG time since we have seen each other, but I really do understand the relationship you had and still have with Brandon. Bet you didn't know that my daughter Kylee and Brandon share a birthday. Makes the day that much more special!
As for your run, why am I not suprised that none of those conditions stopped you?!?! Your determination has always been totally unmatched. Just be careful and don't do it again :)
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