Yes!!!We did it. This trip to Cali last month was for Chambray's gymnastics competition. Her manager and coaches have been so good to us. They also had $20 tick. to Six Flags, right across the street from us! Chammy had a great meet, and we saw some of the most talented gymnast in the nation! Then off to 6 Flags! This was a girls trip, I didn't want to drive alone, so I made my sister come with me and my neice too! We had so much fun! It was all about facing and conquering our fears having fun in the moment! I have not gone on that many rollercoasters since I was a teenager! There was no lines, and a few times we even stayed on the ride without getting off! My fav...Scream and Superman! The girls wore my sis and I out, our voices were dead from screaming so much. Chammy did not want to go on any big coasters. Finally, at the end of the day, she finally got up the nerve to do the Viper! At the last minute she tried chikening out and started getting out of her seat, but I just said, "you'll be fine honey" and pulled the bar down over her head! I know, ruthless huh! Well, mom's gut told me to just trust the experience of it....as we began to go up the long slow steep incline..."chuga,chuga,chuga", went the coaster on the tracks...she said "Mom, I am so mad at you!" I said hold my hand sweetie, she said "don't touch me, leave me alone, I'll never forgive you, I hate this"....Then swish, we were going down the steep hill at record speed, turning, flipping, back and forth, upsidedown, and then up and down, I looked over at her before the 3 minute ride was over and her face had gone from a pale frown, to one of smiling laughter and excitment. I said, "Are you ok baby, what do you think?" At the screetching halt of the brakes and the quick whiplash movement of our bodies forward when the coaster stopped she looked over at me and said "I love it, can we do it again Mom?!" She went on Scream with us 4 times after that! The pure simplicity of facing fears that day taught us both so much. Later I said, I am so glad you liked the rides, cause I made a quick decision at that moment you were trying to escape, and risked alot! All of us girls talked about how LIFE is just like that Viper rollercoaster...the fear can be overcome, because you never know...it just might be FUN, fun enough to give us the strength to face it again!
Can I just say how gorgeous you are!?! What great photos. It looks like you guys had a wonderful trip! Way to go for doing something fun!
Love the new pic Andi!!!
You have to love girl trips, they are the best. I am glad she ended up liking the ride:) Miss ya, maybe we will see you soon!?!?!
Sounds and looks like you guys had a blast. I am glad you made her go through with the ride. I know that is one of those very difficult moments for a parent .... but it sure looks like you are doing an amazing job of being a Mom. BTW, you look happy and Gorgeous :)
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