This was probably the most fun I've had since the Harley ride through the redwoods. My cousin Cheri invited me on a rafting trip down the Payette river. I was honestly surprised how much fun this is! Her boyfriend knew the river well, and as our experienced guide, he helped me feel completely safe. He just told us when to paddle through the waves and when to relax and enjoy the ride. We talked about how this was kind of like life, right?! You just drift along for a while, then things speed up and you have to gear up and prepare for the rapids. The scenery was breathtaking! It was touching to spend time with Brentan and Cheri again, and I was so impressed by their men! I still see Brentan in my mind as 14, but she has really grown into an amazing woman and mom. This was one of those picture perfect days that I will always carry in my heart and mind.
1. Understand that Truth alone will never betray you. 2. "Lighten Up!"...ask the Lord for light and don't take life so seriously! 3. Let a quiet mind be ready to receive...."Be still!" 4. Change yourself and you walk toward a new and different world. 6. "It is what it is" 7. Those that judge- don't matter, those who don't judge- matter. 8. The present is just that...a present from our Father. 9. Realize the greatest gift of goodness..."If thou wilt do good, yea, and hold out faithful to the end, thou shalt be saved in the kingdom of God, which is the greatest of all the gifts of God; for there is no gift greater than the gift of salvation." D&C 6:13
Ov'r the Years
My Positive Tip of the Day:
Courage of Integrity... "The highest courage is to dare to be yourself in the face of adversity. Choosing right over wrong, ethics over conveniences, and truth over popularity....these are the choices that measure your life. Travel the path of integrity without looking back, for there is never a wrong time to do the right thing."
The Cribbs Clan live in Summerlin, Las Vegas. Andrea, Chambray (12), Marissa (9), and Janson(7) are the light and joy of my life! We love hangin out together and having fun! CRIBBS FAMILY MOTTO: "NOTHING WORTHWHILE IS EASY"
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